Our math teacher, Kevin Gately, set up an incredible opportunity for his students at the end of October by setting up a day for Nina Hooper to come and talk to his classes!

Nina Hooper is originally from Melbourne, Australia but has been in the United States in the last 6 years. She first received her Undergraduate degree (in Astrophysics) at Harvard and then her Master’s degree (in Aerospace Engineering) at Stanford. She currently lives in the Bay Area.

She has been traveling on a road trip across America visiting as many different types of schools as she can to get a better sense of our education system and how she can get involved, either as a teacher, or in some other capacity.

Nina Hooper visited our Algebra 2, Pre-Algebra, and 5th grade classes. All the students loved listening to her speak and then asking her various questions, but the 5th graders were extra enthusiastic. They must have asked her 50 questions.

We are so honored that Nina Hooper came to Kirby Hall and talked with our students!

Nina Hooper and Kevin Gately at Kirby Hall School